Policies and Procedures
View our Policies and Procedures set in place to ensure a safe learning experience for the Apprentice and the Employer.
Policies and Procedures
View our Policies and Procedures set in place to ensure a safe learning experience for the Apprentice and the Employer.
Download our Guides and Handbooks
There are a number of policies, procedures and guidance documents that exist for both learners and employers. Copies of the latest handbooks and guides can be downloaded here:

Download our Guides and Handbooks

There are a number of policies, procedures and guidance documents that exist for both learners and employers. Copiues of the latest handbooks and guides can be downloaded here:
Equal Opportunities
Gloucestershire Engineering Training is committed to equal opportunities for all learners that undertake a programme of learning. We are committed to ensuring within the framework of the law that our workplaces are free from unlawful or unfair discrimination. Further details on our policy and procedures can be found in the apprentice handbook.
Equality of Opportunity
Gloucestershire Engineering Training is committed to ensuring that there is equality of opportunity for all learners that undertake a programme of learning. We are committed to ensuring within the framework of the law that our workplaces are free from unlawful or unfair discrimination. Further details on our policy and procedures can be found in the apprentice handbook.
Gloucestershire Engineering Training believes that it is unacceptable for a learner to experience abuse of any kind and recognises its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all learners by the commitment to practice that protects them. Our Safeguarding Policy states the organisations safeguarding practices and explain the procedures that should be followed in the event that anyone has a concern or suspicion that someone may be the victim of harm or abuse.
The person with overall responsibility for Safeguarding at the training centre is the Chief Executive Officer, supported by a designated Safeguarding Team.
Further information regarding the Safeguarding policy is contained in the Learner Handbook.
Gloucestershire Engineering Training believes that it is unacceptable for a learner to experience abuse of any kind and recognises its responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all learners by the commitment to practice that protects them. Our Safeguarding Policy states the organisations safeguarding practices and explain the procedures that should be followed in the event that anyone has a concern or suspicion that someone may be the victim of harm or abuse.
The person with overall responsibility for Safeguarding at the training centre is the Chief Executive Officer. Gloucestershire Engineering Training also occupies a seat on the Gloucester Sfeguarding Children’s Board (Education Sub-Committee) to ensure that the group is up to date with all the relevant legislation and case law that underpins this topic. Further information regarding the Safeguarding policy and safer recruitment are contained in the Apprentice Handbook.
Gloucestershire Engineering Training has a standard of behaviour that learners will be expected to adhere to. It is essential to maintain these standards to ensure that every apprentice that leaves the training centre is not only appropriately skilled and qualified, but are also demonstrating the appropriate work ethics and behaviours which will be expected of them by their employers.
We have a comprehensive disciplinary procedure which is approved and endorsed by every employer who uses our training services. Whilst on our premises, all learners will comply with all policies and procedures contained in the Learner Handbook and are subject to our Disciplinary Procedures. Any action taken under Gloucestershire Engineering Training Disciplinary Procedure will be reported to the employer without delay.
Please note that our disciplinary procedure is not related to the learners’ employment status, however, in the majority of cases employers instigate their own disciplinary proceedings alongside Gloucestershire Engineering Training’s disciplinary actions in order to maintain quality and consistency between all staff in their employment.
Further details on the above policies can be found in the Learner Handbook
Gloucestershire Engineering Training applies rules and regulations that learners will be expected to abide by in preparation for when they return to their employer’s premises. Whilst we are very strict on discipline, it is essential to maintain these standards to ensure that every apprentice that leaves the training centre is not only appropriately skilled and qualified, but are also demonstrating the appropriate work ethics which will be expected of them by their employers.
We have a comprehensive disciplinary procedure which is approvbed and endorsed by every employers who uses our training services. Whilst on our premises, all learners will comply with all policies and procedures contained in the Apprentice Handbook and are subject to our Disciplinary Procedures. Any action taken under Gloucestershire Engineering Training Disciplinary Procedure will be reported to the sponsor company without delay.
Please note that our disciplinary procedure is not related to the learners’ employment status, however, in the majority of cases employers instigate their own disciplinary proceedings alongside Gloucestershire Engineering Training’s disciplinary in order to maintain quality and consistency between all staff in their employment.
Further details on the above policies can be found in the Learner Handbook.
Complaints Procedure
Gloucestershire Engineering Training will ensure that all complaints are dealt with promptly and consistently and are handled with courtesy and fairness. Further details can be found in our Complaints Policy.
Complaints Procedure
Gloucestershire Engineering Training will ensure that all complaints are dealt with promptly and consistently and are handles with courtesy and fairness. Further details can be fond in our Complaints Policy.
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