Apprenticeship Recruitment Event
The recruitment process for apprentices starts in January of each year with an Apprenticeship Recruitment Event held at GET’S premises. With over 350 potential apprentices visiting most years, it’s a great event to have your stand and information available for all to see.
During the event, GET opens up the doors to potential apprentices looking for a career in Engineering and provide the following:
- Staff on hand to explain the apprenticeship programme and recruitment process
- Learners in attendance to act as tour guides and share their experiences
- Demonstration and work pieces on show
- Employer stand with live apprenticeship vacancies
The event is free for employers to attend. For further information or to book your stand please contact please contact [email protected]

Apprenticeship Recruitment Event

The recruitment process for apprentices starts in January of each year with an Apprenticeship Recruitment Event held at GET’S premises. With over 350 potential apprentices visiting most years, it’s a great event to have your stand and information available for all to see.
During the event, GET opens up the doors to potential apprentices looking for a career in Engineering and provide the following:
- Staff on hand to explain the apprenticeship programme and recruitment process
- Learners in attendance to act as tour guides and share their experiences
- Demonstration and work pieces on show
- Employer stand with live apprenticeship vacancies
The event is free for employers to attend. For further information or to book your stand please contact please contact [email protected]

Promoting your vacancies
There are two ways in which GET can help you promote your apprenticeship vacancies:
- GOV.UK Apprenticeship Portal – You will be provided with a template to complete which contains all the information about your apprenticeship offer. Once this template is complete and returned to GET, we will upload all these details onto the government portal. Once listed you can either choose to have enquiries directed to a specific email address or linked to your company’s recruitment webpage. For us to be able to submit adverts on your behalf you will need to grant us permission on the AS Account to do so. Any questions on this please email [email protected] or call the main office on 01452 423461.
- GET’s recruitment website page – GET will list all your apprenticeship vacancies on our website with either a link to a dedicated page on your website or an email address of your choice.
Promoting your vacancies

There are two ways in which GET can help you promote your apprenticeship vacancies:
- GOV.UK Apprenticeship Portal – You will be provided with a template to complete which contains all the information about your apprenticeship offer. Once this template is complete and returned to GET, we will upload all these details onto the government portal. Once listed you can either choose to have enquiries directed to a specific email address or linked to your company’s recruitment webpage. For us to be able to submit adverts on your behalf you will need to grant us permission on the AS Account to do so. Any questions on this please email [email protected] or call the main office on 01452 423461.
- GET’s recruitment website page – GET will list all your apprenticeship vacancies on our website with either a link to a dedicated page on your website or an email address of your choice.
Initial Assessment
The results of the initial assessment plays a key part in the recruitment process enabling the employer to have the most accurate and valid information possible in order to make informed choices.
GET is legally required to ensure every learner has undertaken an Initial Assessment before starting any apprenticeship programme to ensure the apprentice is being placed onto the most suitable programme. For each vacancy advertised, GET will conduct 3 free Initial Assessments with any further assessments being charged for.
Once you have filtered through your applications and decided on a short list, please provide GET with the learner conduct details so that they can arrange for the initial assessment to be undertaken. Potential apprentices will complete these online with results available immediately. The employer will receive a full list of results shortly afterwards.
Once you have made your selection, it is important to pass this information GET as soon as possible. This is because:
- It will guarantee their place
- It allow GET to cross check to ensure that the candidate hasn’t accepted any other offers from alternative employers

Initial Assessment

The results of the initial assessment plays a key part in the recruitment process enabling the employer to have the most accurate and valid information possible in order to make informed choices.
GET is legally required to ensure every learner has undertaken an Initial Assessment before starting any apprenticeship programme to ensure the apprentice is being placed onto the most suitable programme. For each vacancy advertised, GET will conduct 3 free Initial Assessments with any further assessments being charged for.
Once you have filtered through your applications and decided on a short list, please provide GET with the learner conduct details so that they can arrange for the initial assessment to be undertaken. Potential apprentices will complete these online with results available immediately. The employer will receive a full list of results shortly afterwards.
Once you have made your selection, it is important to pass this information GET as soon as possible. This is because:
- It will guarantee their place
- It allow GET to cross check to ensure that the candidate hasn’t accepted any other offers from alternative employers

Recruitment for Workplace Apprenticeship Programmes
The workplace Level 2 is designed to to increase the skills and knowledge of existing employees so the recruitment process for this programme is slightly different. Many employers will open thsi opportunity up to al the workforce or a selected pool of employees. GET supports this by providing the employer with all the relevant programme information and also supporting on-site ‘recruitment sessions’ where potential candidates have the opportunity to come along and ask questions about the programme and the process.
Once the employer has selected a shortlist, GET will attend the sire to conduct initial assessments with all potential candidates and provide feedback to both the candidates and the employer. Once the employer has chosen the candidates to enrol, GET will attend site again to get all the necessary paperwork completed prior to the programme starting.
Recruitment for Workplace Apprenticeship Programmes

The workplace Level 2 is designed to to increase the skills and knowledge of existing employees so the recruitment process for this programme is slightly different. Many employers will open thsi opportunity up to al the workforce or a selected pool of employees. GET supports this by providing the employer with all the relevant programme information and also supporting on-site ‘recruitment sessions’ where potential candidates have the opportunity to come along and ask questions about the programme and the process.
Once the employer has selected a shortlist, GET will attend the sire to conduct initial assessments with all potential candidates and provide feedback to both the candidates and the employer. Once the employer has chosen the candidates to enrol, GET will attend site again to get all the necessary paperwork completed prior to the programme starting.
Need Extra Help?
If you are interested in GET and want to know more, please do get in touch with us via our contact form below.
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