The Apprenticeship Levy Explained
Everything you need to know about the Apprenticeship Levy and whether your business qualifies or not.
What is it?
The introduction of the Apprenticeship Levy in 2017, is designed to put employers at the centre of the apprenticeship system. For more information, click the button below to download our introduction to the Apprenticeship Levy guide.

What is it?

The introduction of the Apprenticeship Levy in 2017, is designed to put employers at the centre of the apprenticeship system.

Since April 2017, apprenticeships changed as new standards and qualifications have been introduced. This guide will help you to understand the changes that took place.
The standards and qualifications that were introduced gave employers more choice in how they develop individuals within their organisation. The previous Apprenticeship Frameworks were replaced with the new standards which have been designed and developed by employers and providers making them more specific to the job role and in turn a more beneficial qualification.
The standards include an End Point Assessment (EPA). EPAs differ depending on what standard is being undertaken. This is carried out by an external organisation that has been selected by the employer.
Please read below to find further information depending on the size of your organisation.
Since April 2017, apprenticeships changed as new standards and qualifications have been introduced. This guide will help you to understand the changes that took place.

The standards and qualifications that were introduced gave employers more choice in how they develop individuals within their organisation. The previous Apprenticeship Frameworks were replaced with the new standards which have been designed and developed by employers and providers making them more specific to the job role and in turn a more beneficial qualification.
The standards include an End Point Assessment (EPA). EPAs differ depending on what standard is being undertaken. This is carried out by an external organisation that has been selected by the employer.
Please read below to find further information depending on the size of your organisation.
Businesses that don't pay the Apprenticeship Levy
If your business does not pay the apprenticeship levy, the government will fund either 90% or 100% of the cost of apprenticeship training. Businesses with less than 50 employees will receive 100% contribution from government (up to the maximum funding cap) and businesses with 50 or more employees will be expected to make a 10% contribution towards the cost of the training, therefore receiving a 90% contribution from government.

Businesses that don't pay the Apprenticeship Levy

If your business does not pay the apprenticeship levy, the government will fund either 90% or 100% of the cost of apprenticeship training. Businesses with less than 50 employees will receive 100% contribution from government (up to the maximum funding cap) and businesses with 50 or more employees will be expected to make a 10% contribution towards the cost of the training, therefore receiving a 90% contribution from government.

Businesses that do pay the Apprenticeship Levy
If your business pays the Apprenticeship Levy, you will be expected to use this levy to cover the cost of your apprenticeship training. Government will top up your levy contributions by a further 10% each month.
Businesses that do pay the Apprenticeship Levy

If your business pays the Apprenticeship Levy, you will be expected to use this levy to cover the cost of your apprenticeship training. Government will top up your levy contributions by a further 10% each month.
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